Submission Deadline: November 12, 2013 12:00pm CST.
October 24, 2013
Updated wall drawing can be downloaded here to provide a better understanding of the Wall and LED installation requirements.
October 11, 2013
Detailed wall drawings can be downloaded here to provide a better understanding of the LED installation requirements.
October 9, 2013
Submission deadline has been extended from October 28, 2013 to November 12, 2013 12:00pm CST.
Questions and Answers
October 24, 2013
drawing #A0-0 shows one A/V rack. There is too much gear for one rack and we will require two. The racks are gangable. is this OK?
The sea can shown in the diagram is still an unknown at this time and can be treated as a sample layout. We only know the approximate location of the sea can IF we were to have one. Recommend the best solution and space needed based on the equipment and its requirements.
October 16, 2013
Which proponents was the RFP sent to?
The following companies have received the RFP:
– Advance Electronics
– Evolution AV
– Inland AV
– National Industrial Communications Inc.
– Signex
October 11, 2013
Is price the deciding factor when selecting a contractor?
Price will NOT be the deciding factor when selecting a contractor. The objective of the RFP is to identify companies who have the expertise, experience and desire to work with FUFG to achieve the desired results at a fair cost. The contractor will be selected based on 7.0 Equipment/Proponent Selection in the RFP.
Is the hardware components and how the system works unchangeable in the RFP ?
Consider this RFP as a “Performance Standard” or guideline. The specific equipment identified is intended to provide further understanding of possible technology that might be used but the proponent should suggest any other technology that is considered appropriate to deliver the results desired by Friends of Upper Fort Garry. The Friends of Upper Fort Garry wishes to leave all options available for proponents to make recommendations.
The user experience identified can also be considered as a guideline. The Friends of Upper Fort Garry would like the best user experience possible and welcomes suggestions to enhance the overall experience.
October 9, 2013
Light Wall
Has the hi-res portion of the wall behind the stage been deleted?
Yes. the UFG Addendum B – Interpretive Plan.pdf has not been updated to indicate the removal of the HD Screen. The HD Screen was not included in the RFP. Please do not use it in your quote.
Is Daktronics still the supplier of choice for construction of the video wall?
There is no preferred supplier(s). The Friends of Upper Fort Garry are looking for the best solution based on the wall requirements. Solutions will be reviewed based on the considerations outlined in the RFP.
Is the A/V contractor expected to carry the LED video price in their pricing?
The A/V contractor is responsible for the hardware and installation of the various components only. The wall should be tested and be ready to accept content. The A/V contractor is not responsible for any content and should not include it in their pricing.
Live Stage
If performers are supplying their own equipment for a performance, “hard wired” inputs won’t be necessary. If all other uses are “wireless” what is the purpose of the “hard wired” inputs?
There are currently no plans to implement the performers equipment directly into the park audio system. If the Friends of Upper Fort Garry decide to implement this phase (not part of this RFP), decisions will have to be made (wireless, hardwired, or combination) to best suit the existing parks audio system.
The Intent of this information is to inform you of the potential functionality in the future which may or may not affect your audio hardware decisions for this RFP. If it makes sense to purchase a more expensive component now to save money from re-buying, note it in your RFP
Wi-Fi Captive portal
Who is responsible for the development of the mobile application, portal page and does the A/V contractor need to be involved at this point?
There are currently no contractor(s) selected for the software development or software setup of the captive portal.
The responsibility of the contractor is to provide, install and setup hardware to a working condition where a user can connect to the portal. portal design and layout is not part of this RFP.
Has an internet provider been chosen yet and if so who is it?
MTS will most likely be the service provider.
If one has, where does the internet provider’s scope of work stop and the A/V contractors start?
The ISP’s responsibility is to provide an internet connection to the A/V room. the contractor must scope and supply all network infrastructure hardware required to run the park.
Is the suggested mobile application by visitors to the park using a localized closed network or the park’s internet website?
Visitors will be able to access the parks wifi network to gain general internet access through the captive portal. They will be able to use the network to browse the internet, download and use the mobile application, and access the website which will be hosted outside of the parks network.
The Selected Company Will be Responsible For
Who are the digital content development team and who are the “other” consultants?
Pattern Interactive – Technical Consultant
HTFC Planning & Design – Landscape Architect
Cohlmeyer Architecture Ltd. – Architect
Pro Engineering Inc. – Electrical Engineer
Éclairage public – Lighting Designer
No other consultants have been identified for content development.